A folio of visual or concrete poems on love, longing, healing, and hate.
Disturbing is built using words salvaged from the hull of a now broken relation-ship.
Remember, you cannot wish away the pain – you cannot forget it, burn it or bury it.
You can sit with it quietly. Hold it close. Wait for it to tell you what it must.
A few of the concrete poems were originally published in the Helter Skelter Anthology of New Writing Vol. 5. 2016. The complete set of poems was issued as a limited edition folio by Won-Tolla Press in 2020.
“Disturbing” by Chaitanya Modak. 24 pp., 14.7 cm x 21 cm size. Hand-sewn, six color covers with Natural White paper inside. Limited Edition of 49 copies, each personally signed and numbered. Book Design by Inhouse.
“Disturbing” | INSTALLATION
In 2019, “Disturbing” was exhibited as an installation at the Futures of Sexuality Festival at TIFA Working Studios, Pune. Each of the seven poems grew to a massive 3ft x 9ft size. They were printed on satin fabric cloth. Six music tracks – 2 from Bollywood, 3 remixes, and one international song from my growing years filtered through on a speaker.