How to kill what you eat without using a knife (in less than 30 seconds)

“Be a man” is a hand-bound art-book containing, hand-pulled serigraphs on handmade paper.
Open size: 24 inches X 18 inches, 16 pages.
Limited Edition of 250. Each personally signed and numbered.
Origin of the work:
“Be a Man” is autobiographical in nature. From 1994-1999 I used to work at the Pune Snake Park (Rajiv Gandhi Zoological Foundation), Katraj, as an amateur herpetologist and snake rescue volunteer – Sarpamitra. The snake park had a staff of five and was entirely run with the help of volunteers.
There was an animal orphanage attached to the snake park, where three teenage leopards Anna, Bala and Mamba were housed. They were fed three hens each, three times a week.
Since the leopards were bred in captivity, they did not associate the live hen with food. If you just put the bird in the cage the leopards would play with it, pawing or even maiming it, but they would not kill it. So after our lunch, we would head to a shed to cull the birds.
Human beings are programmed to operate on a different premise. For instance, while having dinner at home or at a party or while ordering a dish at a restaurant, we do not associate the food on our plate with a living being that has to go out of existence, before it becomes what you are going to eat. The outsourcing of the killing divorces you from this simple fact.
This realisation made me turn to a plant-based diet many years later… and led to the making of this Artbook. Don’t be alarmed. If your current dietary habits include meat, this manual will definitely teach you how to kill what you eat without using a knife (in less than 30 seconds).